MacBook Air 2015 Screen Repair

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As anyone who has ever dropped their MacBook Air knows, a cracked screen is an unfortunate reality. While AppleCare+ does cover accidental damage, it can still be quite expensive to repair a cracked screen through Apple.

There are a few options for those looking to repair their MacBook Air screen on a budget. Third-party repair shops are an obvious choice, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Make sure the shop you choose is reputable, as there have been reports of some shops using subpar replacement screens.

It’s also possible to replace the screen yourself, although it is a bit of a tricky process. If you’re feeling brave, there are a few YouTube videos and other online resources that can walk you through the process. Just be aware that it voids your warranty and could potentially do more damage if you’re not careful.

At the end of the day, the best way to avoid a cracked screen is to be careful with your MacBook Air. But if you do find yourself in need of a repair, there are a few different options available.

As a MacBook Air owner, I travel light and without a power cord. But during one of my recent trips, the worst possible thing happened, I cracked the screen on my 2015 MacBook Air. As a pretty tech minded person, I decided to look into repairing the screen myself. I watched a few YouTube videos, but I found this how-to guide on replacing the display assembly that I found especially helpful. I’m a little old school, and I like following along with text instructions more than YouTube videos. The article had great photos as well that allowed me to see exactly what I was doing.

It ended up costing me about $200 to replace the screen if anybody is wondering. That same site with the how-to article also had a page dedicated to display replacement pricing, which is a helpful read as well.

No one likes a cracked screen. But if you’re unfortunate enough to have a MacBook Air with a cracked screen, there are some repair options available to you. First, you could try a do-it-yourself repair. This is generally not recommended unless you practice computer repair every once in a while. But if you’re feeling brave, there are a few guides available online. Second, you could take it to an Apple Store or an authorized Apple service provider. They will likely be able to replace the screen for you, although it may not be cheap. Third, you could try a third-party repair service. These companies specialize in repairing Apple products and may be able to do it for less than Apple. Just be sure to research them carefully first to make sure they’re reputable. Ultimately, the decision of how to repair your cracked MacBook Air screen is up to you. But whatever you decide, hopefully you can get it fixed quickly so you can get back to using your computer!

If you decide to not go the DYI route and are looking for a shop to complete the repair, you should look for a shop that is clean, organized, and has a professional appearance. The shop should also have knowledgeable and friendly staff who are willing to answer your questions. You should also look for a shop that offers a warranty on their work.

Here is a list of good shops:

There are hundreds of shops that offer Mac repair, just be sure to really look through their reviews before sending your compute in for repair.

The good news is that there are a few different ways to fix a cracked screen on a MacBook Air. One option is to replace the entire display assembly. This is the most expensive option, but it will also give you the best results. Another option is to replace just the LCD panel. This is a cheaper option, but it will not give you the same results as replacing the entire display assembly. Finally, you can try to repair the crack yourself. This is the least expensive option, but it is also the most difficult. If you are not experienced in repairing electronics, we do not recommend this option. If you decide to replace the entire display assembly, you can find instructions online or take it to an Apple Store or authorized repair center. If you decide to replace just the LCD panel, you can find instructions online or buy a replacement panel from a parts seller who is reputable.